TRUSS4 Software

Ajuda Online


Version 15

New features in the version 15:

National annexes for Germany, Sweden and Norway

New national annexes were added for Eurocode design standard. These annexes respect local rules for following standards: EN 1990, EN 1991-1-1, EN 1991-1-3, EN 1991-1-4, EN 1995-1-1.

Dimensions in the window for editing nail plates

Automatic dimensions were added into the window for editing nail plates. This feature is helpful for positioning the plate according to the existing documentation.

Window for editing plates with new dimensions

Updated user interface of the program Truss Explorer

The program "Truss Explorer" is the last part of the software package which has redesigned user interface. The redesign consists mainly of new toolbars and improved truss list. The truss list supports also commands from keyboard (arrows) or mouse wheel.

Updated user interface of the program "Truss Explorer"

Automatic design of lateral braces on bottom chord

Bottom chords and collar beams have new option for input of lateral braces - "automatic design of braces". This mode inserts automatically lateral braces into all joints on bottom chord (or collar beam). The design of braces in bays corresponds to the design of braces on webs: If out-of-plane buckling verification or slenderness check fails, the software will ad one or more lateral braces to split bay length into more segments with identical length. Such procedure reduces the count of braces comparing to the existing modes. This mode can be switched on for whole truss or project in "Truss/project settings" or individually for every bottom chord or collar beam in the "Member properties"

Truss with automatic arrangement of braces on bottom chord

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